1 | Lord, we come to Thee, and with liberty |
| | Claim we now from Thee powr of might; |
| For Thy kingdoms sake, may we powr partake, |
| | Sitting in the heavenlies to fight. |
Chorus |
| | | Power! power! clothe us with Thy power! |
| | | With Thy mighty power from on high! |
| | | Power! power! clothe us with Thy power! |
| | | Boldly, as Thy Body, now we cry! |
2 | Lord, we look to Thee and with certainty |
| | Claim we now from Thee showr divine. |
| For Thy Bodys sake, may we showr partake, |
| | Thus be fitted for the work of Thine. |
Chorus |
| | | Shower! shower! pour on us Thy shower! |
| | | Pour Thy heavnly shower from on high! |
| | | Shower! shower! pour on us Thy shower! |
| | | Boldly, as Thy Body, now we cry! |
3 | Lord, we wait on Thee, and with surety |
| | Claim we now from Thee fire divine. |
| For Thy gospels sake, may we fire partake, |
| | That the Peoples heart Thou may refine. |
Chorus |
| | | Fire! fire! give us tongues of fire! |
| | | To proclaim Thy message from on high! |
| | | Fire! fire! give us tongues of fire! |
| | | Boldly, as Thy Body, now we cry! |