Hymns by Witness Lee and Watchman Nee


Hymn 548  

AUTHOR: Witness Lee
COMPOSER: (1) Anon. (2) Wolfgang A. Mozart

1Earthen vessel I was made,
 Christ in me the treasure laid;
 His container I must be,
 As the content He in me.
2In His image I was made,
 Fit that Christ should all pervade;
 Thus the vessel God did form
 With the content uniform.
3In my spirit He remains,
 With His power He sustains;
 As the Spirit one with me,
 He is my reality.
4Moving in me day by day,
 Mingling with me all the way,
 All my steps He regulates,
 Every part He saturates.
5Him expressing from within,
 Making Him to others seen,
 I transparent have to be
 That He may be shown thru me.
6Transformation is my need,
 To be broken more indeed,
 That the clay may change in form,
 To the treasure to conform.

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