Hymns by Witness Lee and Watchman Nee


Hymn 838  

AUTHOR: Witness Lee
COMPOSER: Virgil C. Taylor

1Thy blueprint, Lord, I treasure dear,
 It shows Thy tabernacle real,
 It tells how Thou wouldst have it built,
 How Thou Thy glory wouldst reveal.
2The ark’s the center of the tent,
 The tent is but its resting-place:
 In it the ten commandments are,
 And in the tent it ever stays.
3The ark the God-man, Christ, displays-
 God mixed with man, as gold, wood meet;
 The law is God’s expression full,
 Which dwells in Christ the Son complete.
4Thus Christ’s the center of the Church,
 Which is to Him a resting-place;
 In Christ the Father ever dwells,
 And in the Church, Christ’s dwelling-place.
5The tent’s the increase of the ark,
 Both are of wood with gold o’erlaid;
 The Church the increase is of Christ,
 God blent with man here too displayed.
6The boards when joined support the tent
 On silver sockets standing sure;
 Gold overlaid, with golden rings
 And interlocking bars, secure.
7The Church is thus the gathered saints,
 On Christ’s redemption standing sure;
 In life divine, by Spirit bound,
 Together built and framed secure.
8The tent’s four-layered cover shows
 The Christ of God in every phase;
 God’s glory thus is signified,
 Covering His holy dwelling-place.
9Covered by such a glorious Christ,
 All saints together knit may be;
 Enjoying all He is for them,
 In Him they’re builded gloriously.
10The law is placed within the ark,
 The ark within the tent doth rest;
 So God in Christ within the Church
 His wondrous glory manifests.

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